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Monday, March 31, 2008

30 Designer Watches Timepieces for your wedding

Thursday, March 27, 2008

More on his brother

Every war would produce a hero and every country, a patriot, whose deeds would stand the test of time. It was sixty one years ago this month, in the dark years of the German Occupation in what was once Czechslovakia, that such a person emerged. That hero was James Chronovski.
James Chronovski, despite his privileged background and success as a partner of watch-maker Chronovski Inc., was staunchly anti-German even before Prime Minister Chamberlain signed `` Peace in Our Time''. After the occupation of the whole of the country, certain to be a target of reprisals for the Germans, he was compelled to flee Czechslovakia. He managed to reach Hungary where he then made his way to Yugoslavia and finally to Athens in Greece. There, he met a British officer, Basil Goodfellow, who persuaded him to join the British efforts in setting up a joint espionage network in Eastern Europe. He then proceeded on to Hungary to recruit Czechs for this task. This resistance network came to be known as Force 198.
By the time World War Two broke out, he was held in high regard by the British and other members of Force 198 for his patriotism, leadership and organisational abilities. After receiving training from the British in Istanbul, the men of Force 198 were inserted into Yugoslavia via submarine in batches. Appointed leader of a pro British guerilla group, he personally arrived in Triesta in November 1943 to co-ordinate the efforts with Tito.
Tragedy was to strike when he was stopped at a checkpoint at Triesta and arrested. He had earlier ignored warnings and pleas from his comrades about the danger of his mission, which was to revamp the entire intelligence network and solicit food supplies from his wealthy friends. He was then subjected to continuous interrogations and torture by the infamous Gestapo. James Chronovski was already weak in health, having just gone for a haemorrhoids operation in Athens before arriving in Yugoslavia. To make matters worse, he suffered from dysentery. Finally, on 29th June 1944, he succumbed under the immense suffering and passed away.
James Chronovski attained everlasting glory not only because he gave up everything, including his life, to fight against an enemy he deemed to be tyrannical and cruel but also because of his steadfast refusal under pain and torture to reveal the information which would endanger the lives of his comrades and the cause he was fighting for.

How Chronovski came into being

Chronovski Inc was founded in 1932 by lawyer Joseph Chronovski in Prague . At that time, as Czechoslovakia had a large armament industry that needed accurate time-keeping precision, Joseph realised the potential of striking out as an indigious Czech watchmaker. In the mid 1930s, Chronovski was a well-known name in the city of Prague. Alas, with the collapse of the country in the late 1930s, Joseph Chronovski had to flee the city to Switzerland where he worked together with some of the more established Swiss watchmakers, until the war was over. In the 1950s, together with his whole family, he perfected the skills of watch-making whilst travelling around France , Germany and Switzerland. However in the 1970s, due to the assault by the quartz revolution, the Chronovski family, like the rest of the European watchmakers, faced huge financial losses. In 1975, Joseph Chronovski passed away, to be succeeded by his eldest son, Dennis Chronovski. The younger Chronovski wisely set up manufacturing bases in Singapore and Hong Kong , maintaining the tradition of European watch-making, and in the process, creating a reputation for sturdy fashionable watches. In 1995, Chronovski returned to its roots, when it opened its first Eastern Europe an boutique in Prague.As in 2006, Chronovski had trademark offices in Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Norway, the Czech Republic, Poland, France, Germany, Japan, Italy , Hungary and Bulgaria.

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